Ready for the new academic year, this pack is being created by our hard working and very excited writing team, following research carried out with all our schools. It will deliver a worship series written in the language of schools – VALUES. We have chosen the top forty values of schools surveyed and can easily demonstrate for children how each of them is rooted and grounded in the Christian faith.

Using Spinnaker’s signature template, we ensure each and every episode is a ready-to-go multi-media resource for the weekly rhythm of collective worship that includes a retelling of the associated Bible verses, a beautiful focus image (again created for us by children’s illustrator Sarah Horne), recommended songs and activities, prayers, and child-led follow-up suggestions.

This worship pack explicitly uses the values already embedded in school ethos and is building on the success of the ‘It’s Jesus’ resource - taking children BEYOND what we have learnt together over the last 2 years, and into ACTION. The title expresses the heart of the pack which, just as Jesus exemplifies in His teachings, is to go further than knowledge and into transformed lives.

Spinnaker Trust Ltd - a company limited by guarantee, with charitable status. Registered Address: The Office, Christ Church Chislehurst, 40 Lubbock Road, Chislehurst BR7 5JJ Company No: 5503977. Charity No: 1111351
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