Working Together
We are passionate about working with others to serve local primary school communities.
We have over 36 years of experience in building professional and supportive relationships with schools. We are able to work in partnership with churches to develop important links which serve and support the wonderful work done by the teachers, Heads and school support staff in our communities.
We have created a training package to help you launch out, or reignite your own Mission to schools on your doorstep. Please see below for the outline content of this training package and please do get in touch to discuss this or any other questions you may have, we'd love to hear from you.

Cost £300
Provide a Training platform to launch (or rejuvenate) local mission with primary schools
so that every primary school has a regular Christian visitor, with positively enhanced
relationships between the school and church communities.
1x 1hr with key figure(s) focusing on school relations, community needs, and church vision.
1x 2hr for up to 20 persons. Focusing on Missiology of Schools Ministry, School types,
the 4 levels of engagement, the ACE method, ‘Top Ten Tips’, seasonal
programmes, and envisioning discussion.
School liaison support
Support, if required, to make initial contact with local school/s and advice on ongoing bookings and maintaining communications.
Free resources
Access to online and downloadable primary school resources for Collective Worship and
educational activities.
Free ongoing training
Open invitation to Bi-annual conferences developing capabilities in mission and
best practice.
To book or for more information:
Contact [email protected]
A bit more about us...
Spinnaker aims to be ‘beacon of excellence’ for education and worship that influences and enables Christian encounter in primary schools. After 36+ years of operation our team comprises of a network of Christians from a broad variety of professional and voluntary backgrounds, all united by a desire to help children engage with the Christian faith and explore its beliefs and values.