Hello All,
The start of the academic year saw some fresh beginnings as we launched a new RE Day and a new all age Christmas assembly.
As our Hub works in schools within London and Surrey we need our work to accommodate the curriculums of both. Recent changes meant that we needed to support the module, ‘What did Jesus say about God’s Kingdom?’ so a new RE Day was designed and delivered to local schools.

During RE Days, the children often take the part of detectives, solving clues to understand important messages from the Bible. This time they were wartime code-breakers, working out messages from ‘Agent J’ received on a field telephone by two daring wartime agents.
One of the messages was about understanding what your treasure is and where to keep it and we made treasure chests as a reminder.

Our second new beginning was an all age Christmas nativity assembly with a Star Wars theme. Three wise Jedi followed a star to find the new King, outwitting the evil Herod/Darth Vader en-route.
Further RE Days, regular assemblies and a weekly lunchtime club complete our range of activities and allow as many children to hear the word of God as often as possible.
I have the privilege of presenting assemblies regularly in two of our local schools. We also present our RE days in these schools. One of the great joys of being in the schools on a regular basis is getting to know the staff and children. At a visit recently after I finished presenting our new assembly series ‘Beyond Belief’, a group of children came and gave me thank you letters for the team who had presented an RE day a few weeks before.

I must admit that as I sat there and read them I did shed a few tears. It was so good to hear that we are helping children understand God’s love and that they are enjoying the experience. Please pray for us that we may continue to build good strong relationships in the schools so that we can continue to show God’s love and teach children about Him and His love for them.
Wishing you, our schools and all our supporters every blessing for 2025.
Prayer Points:
- For resources to be available to continue and expand lunchtime Fish Clubs
- For children, staff and support workers at our local schools
With Warmest Wishes
Lisa Bell