We believe whole heartedly in the value and power of prayer and appreciate you supporting us and your local schools in this way.

There is a selection of ideas below to guide you in your prayers:

We would like to praise God for...

  • The encouraging feedback regarding the new 'Beyond Belief' values assemblies, from pupils and schools.
  • Also the encouraging feedback and increased interaction we are having with other schoolswork practitioners who are downloading and using resources from our website.
  • The Spinnaker ‘Alpha Encounter’ podcast hosted by our CEO Mike Harrowing has been launched. Each episode discusses how education practitioners can best use our resources in schools and churches. So far, this has been a great success and very helpful.

We would like you to pray for...

  • Our Team Training Session this term. We have invited the RE Advisor for Bromley Borough to come and train our Spinnaker Team to complete the RE Hubs Kitemark Training, enabling any school looking for RE input in their area to be able to contact those listed with the kitemark.
  • For the health and well-being of all of our team.
  • For our 'Beyond Belief - Values into Action' assembly resource to continue having a positive impact on pupils and teachers throughout this year.
  • We are excited to welcome a number of new volunteers to our team this term and we pray for them as they are being trained, and as they go into both new and existing schools.

Praying for your local schools...

Children, teachers, support staff and parents are all involved in making schools the places where our future is shaped. From many directions those in schools face pressure - whether it is to learn or to teach; to keep records or to balance the books, the pressure is there.  There are a number of ways in which you can support schools in prayer:

We are grateful to our partners Pray for Schools for their constant encouragement and inspirational ideas. 

10 Ways to pray and more of their excellent resources can be found below:

Pray for Schools Resources  Assorted Prayers  10 Ways to Pray for Schools

Martin Sweet, Spinnakers' former CEO, prepared this version of the Lord's prayer to inspire us as we lift up our schools in His name. Click on the image to download your copy:

Keep informed 

If you would like to get our news updates to help keep you informed as you pray, please subscribe below. If you know one of our team, or have a particular interest in an area where we work, you can subscribe for these updates too.

Spinnaker Trust Ltd - a company limited by guarantee, with charitable status. Registered Address: The Office, Christ Church Chislehurst, 40 Lubbock Road, Chislehurst BR7 5JJ Company No: 5503977. Charity No: 1111351
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