A Page for Parents
If you have heard that Spinnaker is visiting your child’s school and would like to know more about who we are and what we do, then this page is for you.
From the outset we want you know that the welfare of your child is our highest concern, both as an individual, and as member of your household and family culture.
Through the lens of Christian faith, it is our ambition to affirm your child’s lived experience, to encourage them in the pursuit of discovering themselves, their environment and their future, and to challenge, to test and strengthen their values and beliefs as they grow in maturity.
We strive for best practice, working within the requirements of the law and the guidance of the relevant educational authorities, and we are always explicit about our Christian faith and perspective so that your child understands the context when they engage with the services we provide.
We believe in the universal relevance of Jesus’ teachings and actions as documented in the Bible, and we hope that your child will be positively influenced by the revelation of the Bible when we visit.
If you have any concerns, specific questions, or interest in our resources, our services or the Christian faith please feel welcome to contact us and we will do our best to satisfy your queries.
Here are some further Q&A's you may find helpful:

What is Spinnaker?
Spinnaker is a charity made up of people from various churches and denominations who aim to inspire this generation of Primary School children to engage with the Christian faith and explore its beliefs and values.
See our 'Vision, Mission & Aims' page for details.
What does Spinnaker do?
We provide quality support to primary schools through the delivery of Christian Religious Education and Collective Worship
See our 'About Us' page for details.
How does Spinnaker help my child’s school?
Over 30 years Spinnaker has built a reputation for supporting Primary Schools with quality Christian teaching and original resources. We are privileged to be invited into each of the schools we visit and value every opportunity to help the schools build wellbeing into their community life.
Under current law, all schools in England must help their pupils to develop spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. Spinnaker is delighted to support teaching staff with this important part of the curriculum.
Does Spinnaker only visit Christian schools?
We are thankful to be welcomed into schools which celebrate diversity. We respect the cultural ethos of every school we visit and the unique values and beliefs of each child. We create opportunity for children to explore the Christian faith for themselves, in as inclusive a way as we can.
What if my child is not a Christian?
We do not seek to persuade or convert children to Christianity, but to present the Christian faith to them with love and consideration for their own individual beliefs and experiences and to the best of our ability. We would never force a child to participate in an activity where they did not wish to do so.
What if my child has questions about the Christian faith?
If your child has been inspired by something they have heard or seen in an assembly or RE lesson and they would like to learn more about the Christian faith, we would be delighted to hear from you! We are happy to answer particular questions or we may be able to refer you to resources available to download from our website which may be helpful for you.
It is a privilege and a joy for us to introduce the children we meet to a God who loves them and who can offer them stability and strength in times of uncertainty and change.