Spinnaker Colours & Fonts
There are 2 brand colours and 4 complementary colours in the Spinnaker palette. See here for details.
Colour | Hex code | RGB |
Red | #E33521 | R: 230 G: 51 B: 18 |
Green | #6CA331 | R: 106 G: 164 B: 38 |
Dark Blue | #133A7C | R: 19 G: 58 B: 124 |
Light Blue | #5B9CD6 | R: 91 G: 156 B: 214 |
Orange | #EF7B2F | R: 239 G: 123 B: 47 |
Yellow | #FCAD2E | R: 252 G: 173 B: 46 |
Not all fonts are readily available across all platforms and devices. For this reason, we use a simple sans serif font. Some commonly found examples are: